Uriel's Gifts

Uriel's Gifts

Latest Episodes

Dealing With Hype - And One Person's Answer! - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, March 27, 2011
March 27, 2011

If there has been anything that has been bothering each and every one of us since the moment we were able to understand what others were telling us, that one bother would be what is known as hype. From the kindergarten know-it-all who told you how many t

Ostara 2011! Mass For The Shut-Out March 21, 2011
March 20, 2011

Ostara is the 21st of March, so this is the time to celebrate it here! I keep talking about fulfillment, and Ostara is the embodiment of fulfillment. In terms of the Jewish tradition, it could be said that the baby born at Yule had a Briss at Ostara and

Getting It! - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, March 14, 2011
March 13, 2011

If you've watched any of my podcasts, video or audio, or if you've seen my posts on blogs or sites like YouTube, you know that I speak of whether or not someone "gets it." And here, we have two cases, very dramatic opposites, of someone who doesn't get i

Making And Taking Oaths - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, March 7, 2011
March 06, 2011

We need to discuss oaths, because they are so much a part of our lives. Not only religiously, magickally and spiritually, but in our mundane lives as well. There are the oaths which we consciously take, such as when someone testifies in court, when peop

Going To Hell - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, Feb 28, 2011
February 27, 2011

We need to address the issue of hell, if for no other reason than the fact that it is just possibly the ultimate spiritual blackmail. And please, do not think that the Christians have an exclusive on threats of hell. Of course, for most of us it's the C

In Honor Of Tempest Smith! Mass For The Shut-Out February 20, 2011
February 20, 2011

February 20, 2011 is the tenth anniversary of Tempest Smith's passing. She died on February 20, 2001 as the direct result of religious bullying. She was brilliant, she was talented, and her exploration of the spiritual led her to Wicca. Unfortunately,

Drawing The Line - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, Feb 15, 2011
February 15, 2011

If there is one question which anyone with knowledge (actual or purported) of a religious or spiritual path will speak about, it is the perennial question of those things which someone (read: you) should or should not do. Or perhaps more directly, those

Looking Ahead To February 20th - Tempest Smith Day - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, Feb 7, 2011
February 06, 2011

In a couple of weeks, it will be February 20th, Tempest Smith Day. This year, we are observing the tenth anniversary of her passing. She was twelve years old, talented and intelligent. She played the flute and wrote poetry. She was also learning about

Our Imbolc Celebration! Mass For The Shut-Out February 2, 2011
January 29, 2011

Wednesday, February 2nd, is Imbolc, so let's have a celebration! In fact, most spiritual paths which have their roots in places which have rough winters have a celebration about now. Celebration of Brighid, Lucia, Candlemas, and so many others, some of

Facing Tough Issues - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, Jan 24, 2011
January 24, 2011

If we are going to be dealing with tough issues here, then probably it would be wise to devote at least one episode to the very subject of dealing with tough issues. It would appear today that some folks just don't get the concept. At least, that is the
