Uriel's Gifts

Uriel's Gifts

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Payback Time? - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, June 6, 2011
June 06, 2011

"Payback Time!" You've probably seen a movie which makes use of that trite saying. And unless you're going through life as everyone's favorite doormat, you've felt like wanting to say that yourself more than once. It's only natural. At some time in yo

Memorial Day! Mass For The Shut-Out May 29, 2011
May 28, 2011

This week includes Memorial Day in the United States. If you live somewhere else, you probably have a similar celebration so that what we speak of today will apply for you at that time. And, we memorialize the same ones. In fact, I will be including al

When It Happens - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, May 23, 2011
May 23, 2011

When it happens - and it does - what do you do? A boy of ten is getting ready for school when his dad suggests he "take a day off" and spend the day with some fmaily friends - and at the end of that day the boy learns that the "day off" was because his m

Bridges & Wells Desperately Needed - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, May 15, 2011
May 14, 2011

And here we go into the area known as practical theology which also means applying this stuff we talk about here in our daily lives. And this time, inspired by that San Fransisco-area mommy who thought it was perfectly all right to inject her 8-year-old

Wells, Bridges, But No Bunny-rabbits - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, May 8, 2011
May 08, 2011

Anyone's spiritual life can be said to be composed of three elements: wells, bridges, and bunny-rabbits. Some might only have one well. Others might have a few wells and bridges. But those who have a bunny-rabbit don't have much in the way of bridges o

Beltaine 2011! Mass For The Shut-Out May 1, 2011
May 01, 2011

Here we are at Beltaine, and here we are at the Temple, and so, let's celebrate! Beltaine is about many things, but they all add up to fulfillment. There was a god who died, and his funeral was Samhain. But, there was a child who was newborn at Yule.

Easter: The Divine's Spiritual Baseball Bat? - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, April 24, 2011
April 24, 2011

As we come to the celebration of Beltaine, the Christians are having their Easter Sunday. The whole point of their faith hangs on the fact of Easter and the fact that their god's son, Yeshua Bar-Joseph, died and rose from the dead. It is an event which,

Five Most Popular Ways Of Spiritual Suicide - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, April 18, 2011
April 17, 2011

Here, we talk about some folks you and I have known, and (very importantly) how to keep from joining them. I'm talking about the spiritually dead. They may physically continue to exist and have their funerals in their 80's or 90's, but they actually died

Secrets You Might Need To Know - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, April 11, 2011
April 10, 2011

Someone recently accused me of being too political. Excuse me, but we are living in political times, and there are some things we need to know about in order to at least survive, and at best deal successfully with other paths, especially those who would

Unity: What It Should Mean And Some Folks Who Just Don't Get It! - In A (very different) Pastor's Study, April 4, 2011
April 03, 2011

I had something ready to go when the local newspaper had a couple of articles which pointed to the point I wanted to make, and illustrated its need. One is the story of a New Hampshire politician who referred to his local Catholic bishop as a "pedophile