

Urban Homestead Radio Episode 98: So You Want to Homestead? (9/14/20)

September 15, 2020

Since the Covid crisis, there's been a resurgence of people wanting to grow their own food or start their own homestead whether they are in the city or country.  
These uncertain times have people taking stock on where their food comes from and learning skills so they can become more self sufficient.
With over 30 years of homestead and farming knowledge, second generation homesteaders Anais & Justin share six tips on starting your modern homesteading journey.

Have a question?  Send us an email at info@urbanhomestead.org
About Urban Homestead
Sprouting on a 1/10th acre plot in 1985, this homestead project pioneered the modern urban homesteading movement.
The Urban Homestead in Pasadena CA seeded a homegrown revolution and inspired millions worldwide through our website, award winning short film, podcast and outreach programs.
Follow these second generation homesteaders and their journey at www.UrbanHomestead.org
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