Urban Nerd Weekly

Urban Nerd Weekly

FortNERD [v7.01]

November 04, 2020

$payce and Kitty are finally back with a brand spankin' new episode, new season, and whole new vibe for the show. How ya guys like the new logo? In order to kick things off properly, our hosts are joined once again by rapper Kewl CutLis, who stopped by to promote his latest mixtape #Stickman. A litany of topics are covered in this two hour special including the new advent of virtual learning, the orange boy in the white house, and $payce gives a special R.I.P. to comedian Tyler Craig. Tune In and Nerd Out, to hear what else they had to say, you won't want to miss it!
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Spayce: @SpayceWuzHere
Kitty: @Nano_Kitty_Cat
Kewl: @1CutLis