The Alignment Tribe Podcast

The Alignment Tribe Podcast

Ep. 99: Stop Self Sabotage Forever

October 02, 2020

If you are inside The Alignment Tribe Facebook community this week, then you had a great experience, oh my gosh! Our Stop Self Sabotage Forever event was amazing. It was so so great.
I chose to do an event based on overcoming self sabotage because I have seen over and over again that this is a common thread with the women I meet. They often want one thing but end up doing something completely different, and this all falls under the umbrella of self sabotage.
So, if you aren’t in the group, let me just give you a little recap of what we did inside there this past week on this episode because you still have the opportunity to go be a part of it! You can join the event (and the group) at the links below.

Listen in to the full episode:
What you’ll hear:

Why Kristine chose to do an event centered on self sabotage
Why self sabotage is structural rather than personal
How to make achieving what you want so much easier
The next steps you can take to become the powerful creator of your life and make the transformational sustainable for your lifetime

Resources mentioned in this episode:

The Align + Design Your Life Program
Watch the replay of the Stop Self Sabotage Forever live event
Join The Alignment Tribe Facebook group

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