The Alignment Tribe Podcast

The Alignment Tribe Podcast

Ep. 87: Changing Your Relationship with Money – Part One

July 17, 2020

Changing your relationship with money so you can attract more and enjoy it has nothing to do with changing you.
It’s all about changing the structure you’re operating under.
The structure of money is a collection of stories, beliefs and ideas that you were born into – from family, society, religion, etc.
If you were born into a structure where money is easy to come by, abundant, and always around, then that’s the experience you’ll have of it.
If you were born into a structure where money is hard to come by, scarce, and never around, then that’s the experience you’ll have of it.
It’s not about you… it’s about the structure.
In this week’s episode of The Alignment Tribe podcast, I’m sharing with you 4 things you can do today to start changing the structures and your relationship with money.
Next week, we’ll dive deeper into the old structures so you can easily release them and start creating new ones, so stay tuned!
Ready to let go of what’s holding you back?! Download your free guide “Breaking Through Beliefs: Stop Limiting Yourself, Start Believing In Yourself, Manifest the Life You Desire”
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