The Alignment Tribe Podcast

The Alignment Tribe Podcast

Ep. 83: How to Stop Fearing Failure

June 26, 2020

Fear of failure isn’t about failing… it’s about avoiding pain.
Our actual fear isn’t a failure, it’s the painful emotions we might experience.
We orient ourselves to avoiding the pain, not losing, not failing.
Not losing is not the same as winning.
Not losing is staying in a job that’s ok, a body that’s ok, a relationship that’s ok, a business that’s ok.
Winning is really going for what you want, the most amazing job, a rockin’ body, a great relationship, a thriving successful business!
In this week’s episode of The Alignment Tribe podcast, we’re talking about why we focus on avoiding the pain, not losing, and not failing if winning is what we really want.
If your focus is on not losing, not feeling painful emotions, then you can’t also focus on what it is that you really want and feeling the way you want to feel.
If you want to shift to a winning orientation, then let go of the idea that you need to keep the fear of failure in order to avoid the painful emotions that might happen.
Instead, focus all your attention on what you want to create and how it will feel.
Step into a creative mindset. Focus completely on what you want. Shift your orientation from not losing to winning.
Take aligned action that brings your desired outcomes to you and enjoy the process of creating the life you want.
Ready to let go of what’s holding you back?! Download your free guide “Breaking Through Beliefs: Stop Limiting Yourself, Start Believing In Yourself, Manifest the Life You Desire”
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