The Unknown Studio

The Unknown Studio

Pogoing around town | S06E07

January 14, 2015

If you've been in Edmonton's Downtown or Whyte Avenue areas in the last few months, you've might have seen a few branded vehicles cruising around. The branding, in bright orange, says, "Pogo CarShare." A new form of shared transportation has arrived in the city (and no, we're not talking about Uber).

Scott and I sat down with two of Pogo's co-founders—Alexis Alchorn and Kieran Ryan—to talk about why the time was right to bring car-sharing to Edmonton, why they didn't opt to try and lure Zipcar or Car2go to the city, and what their plans are for world domination (or, you know, responsible and smart expansion of the popular service out to the rest of the core).

This episode also marks the launch of the Unknown Studio's Patreon campaign. We're asking you, our listeners, to support us with more than just your ears, emails, and delightful remarks on Twitter and Facebook. We want you to consider making a monthly donation to the Unknown Studio so we can do more, better, exciting things.

And if you don't want to donate, hey, that's cool too. We just want to keep making a show worthy of your ears and brains.