The Unknown Studio

The Unknown Studio

The Breakfast Television Stream | S05E12

June 04, 2014

Last week, Scott and I were invited to appear on Breakfast Television to cap off the show’s almost-always-annual BT Bloggers Week. We followed in the footsteps of several other fantastic bloggers who appeared throughout the week, including Mack Male and Karen Unland, The Kitchen Magpie, and Nicole Rowan among several others.

We had a really great time hanging out with Jespo and the BT crew. I can’t think of a nicer, more fun group of people to spend three very-early-morning hours with. We even got to chat with an inspiring young lady named Hannah Alper, who’s touring the country right now talking about child poverty and animal rights.

You can view the segments Scott and I were featured in here, here and here.

Special thanks to Jason Halbauer for reaching out to us and asking us to be on the show!

Hope you enjoy the episode!