Universally Seeking

Universally Seeking

Tool: How to Change Your Relationship with Worry

August 13, 2019

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the US age 18 and older, or 18.1% of the population. (Source: ADAA)

In this episode, guest Ingrid Helander, LMFT and Author of 'Calm Your Worries: Unlock Your Secret Code to Lasting
Stress Relief and Self-Confidence' and host Nicole Morin discuss a scientific understanding of the nervous system, its role as a protector, and how you might be able to transform this understanding into practices to provide lasting relief from anxiety and chronic worry.

Our conversation covers:

- How to recognize the feeling of worry in the body, and the variations of personal experiences

- What does “chronic worry” mean?

- How to support a loved one when they voice their worries to you

- Causes of worry due to unaddressed or subconscious triggers from past trauma

- What causes worry as defined by the Polyvagal theory

- What is the polyvagal theory?

- The purpose of the sympathetic nervous system

- The Ventral-Vagal nerve of connection, and the vagal break

- How depressive/shut down states are healthy, protective responses

- What is a body bookmark? And an example practice to “install” one

- Viewing worry & anxiety responses as temporary states

- How can a state of depression be serving me?

- Modern day “threats” to the system that have become commonplace

- How to be a guide for your nervous system, vs. being run by it

- How and why the mind perpetuates the worry cycle



Work with Ingrid:


Instantly access her book, 'Calm Your Worries: Unlock Your Secret Code to Lasting Stress Relief and Self-Confidence' here:
