Universal Geek

Universal Geek

Companion Podcasts for Game of Thrones, Gotham, and Jessica Jones – Episode 241

November 30, 2015

Hello and welcome to episode 241 of Universal Geek, the podcast for nerds, geeks, and everyone in between. This week we present a podcast about podcasts, which is pretty dang meta if you ask me.

We focus on a podcast phenomenon starting back in the days of ABC's Lost and what really was the first wave of successful podcasts - the companion podcast.  A companion podcast is a show produced to enhance the viewing experience of a television show. In the days of Lost, podcasts were one of the many ways people where able to disseminate theories about all the mysteries in the show. It was also a way to build a community around a show.

Today, we have so many niche shows and all of our friends, families, and coworkers aren't always watching them. Or more frustrating - are watching them but are six months behind! Who can you discuss all the juicy details with? Well, that is the glory of a companion podcast. Name a show and there is a podcast devoted to it. If there isn't, then you know there is potential - maybe this is your opportunity to get into podcasting, talking about your favorite niche television show.

In this episode, I introduce you to three companion podcasts. The first is for HBO's Game of Thrones (different from George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones - but there are podcasts for just the books if that is your thing.) The second is for the Batman prequel series - Gotham. And the last is for Netflix's second installment in their portion of Marvel Cinematic Universe - Jessica Jones.

Get ready, get set, geek out!

Game of Thrones companion podcast: Cast of Thrones

Gotham companion podcast: Legends of Gotham

Jessica Jones companion podcast: Jessica Jones Podcast