Universal Geek

Universal Geek

Carrie Fisher, Crime Fighting Robots – Universal Geek Episode 246

January 25, 2016

Hey geeks, we have put together another awesome show.  For the next fifty minutes, you are about to hear how Carrie Fisher is fighting ageism in Hollywood, about Sony's continued lack of understanding of the men and women who call themselves gamers, and a lot more.

Sit back, relax, and join us on a journey to a land of crime fighting robots, artificial intelligent homes, and Summer Glau.

Part One

How Carrie Fisher Is Leading The Fight Against Ageism (b)

Sony Tries to Trademark ‘Let’s Play’



Part Two

Apple Buys Artificial-Intelligence Startup Emotient (b)

Iron Zuckerberg

Crime Fighting Robots

Summer Glau to be a Guest on Castle
