Digital Workplace Deep Dive

Digital Workplace Deep Dive

The ROI on DEX - Is it possible? (Ep. 35)

February 15, 2022

More than half of my podcasts touch on employee experience in one form or another. However, none look at the ROI of experience management… until now. Mark Banfield, the CEO of 1E shares insights learned from the 14 million devices monitored by his company’s Digital Employee Experience (DEX) platform (Tachyon). Mark also shares four ways that enterprises are seeing their experience programs resulting in payback to the business. My favorite example is the connection between workplace technology that ‘just works’ and employee retention – an increasingly important point during the Great Resignation. However, technology is only part of the solution. Mark talks about the importance of changing work culture where the focus is on proactively improving employee experience instead of reactively fixing problems when and if they are reported. You can get Forrester’s Digital Experience Report that Mark mentions in the podcast at this link:

Learn more about Unisys’ approach to measuring and improving employee experience.