Uniformed Opinions

Uniformed Opinions

CLASSIC Uniformed Opinions – Episode 10

June 07, 2015

We still weren't able to do a show... Noam is fighting a bed bug epidemic, and Ben is moving.  Hope to be back next week...

So... enjoy another special CLASSIC episode.  This show is from July 24th, 2012, just a few days after the Aurora, CO shootings... and of course we talk about it... It's hosts emeriti Don and Dave... along with Ben and Frank

Actually... in the first segment, we talk about all those people who decided they had to attach themselves to it, even if they had NO connection, gallows humor, and social media trolls.

In the second segment, we talked about ISIS, before ISIS was ISIS. Actually... we kinda predicted the creation. Once again, we're ahead of the curve, and can figure this stuff out faster than our "leaders."

In segment three, we talk about an independent contractor who did $400 Million in damage to a sub, and has to pay restitution...

Once again... the links we talk about in the show are wrong... this IS from three years ago... so, sorry.

As for the song at the end... I served with GySgt (well... he was a LCPL like me back then) Pezdek... and he retired just a few months ago....
