Uniformed Opinions

Uniformed Opinions

Latest Episodes

Episode 112- The Non-Political Political Episode
February 20, 2017

That’s right, everyone… We manage to talk politics without really talking about politics. We basically discuss all that is wrong with both Trump AND the media… and if it’s recoverable.

Episode 105 – Veternerds
May 15, 2016

We did this one a little backwards for how we normally do it.  We geeked out at the beginning… had some fun, then got a little serious… kinda.

Episode 103
July 12, 2015

Ben, Frank and Neil this week. We tried a new connection software this week, and had a bit of trouble... but we worked it out pretty quick. THEN Ben's computer took a crap :) - We talked about an F16 trying to mate with a Cessna,

Episode 103 – Hiatus
July 12, 2015

Ben, Frank and Neil this week. We tried a new connection software this week, and had a bit of trouble… but we worked it out pretty quick. THEN Ben’s computer took a crap

Episode 102
June 22, 2015

Noam and Ben were still away this week, but we couldn’t go a full month without a show, so Neil and Frank invited a couple of our listeners to join us. Say hello to Damien, a former Marine, and Libby a token civilian.

Episode 102
June 22, 2015

Noam and Ben were still away this week, but we couldn't go a full month without a show, so Neil and Frank invited a couple of our listeners to join us. Say hello to Damien, a former Marine, and Libby a token civilian. -

CLASSIC Uniformed Opinions – Episode 10
June 07, 2015

We still weren't able to do a show... Noam is fighting a bed bug epidemic, and Ben is moving.  Hope to be back next week... - So... enjoy another special CLASSIC episode.  This show is from July 24th, 2012, just a few days after the Aurora,

Uniformed Opinions Episode 4 CLASSIC
May 31, 2015

We couldn't do a show this week. Ben and Noam were running... just for different reasons... - Here is a CLASSIC episode of Uniformed Opinions... Episode 4, from June 12th, 2012... back in the day when Don and Dave were still here...

Memorial Day 2015
May 25, 2015

A simple show for Memorial Day. * Armed Forces Medley * Frank reads a story about a Vietnam Vet * Bagpipes play “Fallen Soldier” The story Frank reads can be found at: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-05-29/news/ct-met-schmich-0529-20110529_1_me...

Memorial Day 2015
May 25, 2015

A simple show for Memorial Day. Armed Forces Medley Frank reads a story about a Vietnam Vet Bagpipes play "Fallen Soldier" - The story Frank reads can be found at: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2011-05-29/news/ct-met-schmich-0529-20110529...
