The Unexplained World

The Unexplained World

The Unexplained World 2019 relaunch with Edward Shanahan and Annette

January 06, 2019

The Unexplained World returns on January 6th 2019 with Edward Shanahan and Annette. This will be the 10th year of broadcasting The Unexplained World after taking a three year break from broadcasting the show.
The past years of shows are being downloaded and now Edward and Annette bring a refreshed new show starting in 2019 with this broadcast. It will be a reintroduction of Chicago Psychic Medium and Paranormal Explorer Edward Shanahan and Pagan Truth Seeker Annette. Also Edward and Annette will discuss 'Vindication through the way of Spirits' and the coming broadcasts.

Mr. David Kump joins the broadcast and what he will be providing on different broadcasts. Also the playing of song 'The Unimaginable Truth' by DLK and Captains of Liberty.