The Upper Memory Block

The Upper Memory Block

UMBCast 101 - F-19 Stealth Fighter

May 04, 2017

Time for episode 101 in which we discuss the 1988 Microprose flight sim, F-19 Stealth Fighter and its sequel/remake, F-117A Stealth Fighter 2.0!

First though, I read some email that leads us to two cool links:

Troels and I playing A Final Unity:

Ben Chandler's PC Gamer article about adventure game backgrounds:

We then get into the usual topics around these unique Microprose flight sims.

Buy F-19 Steakth Fighter on Steam:

Buy F-117A Stealth Fighter 2.0 on GoG:

My F-19 YouTube Research session:

Next time we'll be covering the iconic 1986 Cinemaware strategy game, Defender of the Crown.
