The Upper Memory Block

The Upper Memory Block

UMBCast 092 - Extended Memory: Warcraft (2016)

June 20, 2016

In this super special surprise episode, I get together with my friends Brian and Bianca of the Square Waves FM podcast for an unprecedented, never before done joint episode!
Why would we perpetrate such an occurrence you ask? Well, the three if of ventured out to the theatre and saw Warcraft on opening night. At the time, we thought it'd be a great idea to get together and record our thoughts. Brian and Bianca were kind enough to run the board while I was travelling, so I called them from Seattle/Tacoma International airport and we got our thoughts down live to hard drive.

I hope you enjoy the show (and please forgive my less then ideal audio from my iPhone headset).

Square Waves FM:
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Brian on Twitter:
Bianca on Twitter:

Still forthcoming, yet another "extended memory" podcast discussing the recently released DOOM remake/sequel/whatever it may be.