

Pam Reed Interview

August 10, 2020

Pam Reed has run ninety six 100 milers and finished 50+ Ironman triathlons. She’s set the record for 24 hours on the track, and won–outright–Badwater two times. Most impressive to many was her 2015 Western/Hardrock/Badwater triple. All three of those events occur within one month. Woof!

Pam Reed on the trails in Yellowstone National Park

In this interview, we talk about everything from Courtney Dauwalter (and candy!) to what it’s like directing a large marathon in the age of Covid. Has Pam learned anything during her races over the last few months? We talk about trail blindness, beer, eating disorders, and the insane article written about her in 2005.

Pam Reed (r) and her friend Holly during one of Araivapa’s virtual 100 milers this summer.

Gear Chat with Ben


Brooks Catamount

Inov8 TerraUltra G270

Here are the Adidas Terrext ProtoHype trail shoes we talked about.

TrackSmith Run Cannonball Run shorts

rabbit EZ shorts 7″

Swiftwick Pursuit merino socks

Pam Reed Episode Notes

Here’s the Outside Magazine article

Here’s Pam Reed on David Letterman

Here’s the interview with Courtney where we talk about trail blindness.

Pam is the director of the Tucson Marathon.

Intro music | David RosalesOutro music | AJ LeGrand