Zach & Kisha Show ( Conversations before Marriage )

Zach & Kisha Show ( Conversations before Marriage )

Culture Vultures shouldn’t forget where they stole from

May 26, 2018

Bonus Dame Dash (Culture Vulture) Interview follows after you listen: cul·ture vul·ture a person who is very interested in the arts, especially to an obsessive degree. A person who loves art, music, movies, and dance, and all forms of culture so much that they consume whatever they find, whether or not it's any good. Like birds that scavenge by the roadside, culture-vultures feast on art wherever they find it. They will listen to Mozart in the concert hall or the punk in a club; their clothes are as likely to come from the thrift store as they are a boutique shop; they have Architecture Digest on the coffee table while they watch MTV Cribs. They consult the Oxford English Dictionary but double-check the Urban Dictionary. Culture vultures are especially good at talking about low art and culture with the same insight and intelligence as high art. Plain and simple dont take without showing love