Uber Good Experience with Rafael Perez

Uber Good Experience with Rafael Perez

3 Keys to Create a Culture Revolution

October 01, 2014

Image courtesy of Meawpong3405 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

3 Keys to Create a Culture Revolution


“The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.”
~Che Guevara


How do you Create a Culture Revolution in your business and in your customer service?  The answer might be simpler than you think.  But the best news is it won’t require any violence.


Any company that desires change, whether in culture or temperament, requires a gut check-a look at itself before any permanent progress can be made.  It’s one thing to post the new value statements on the wall so everyone can see them.  But it’s quite another to live, breathe, and be them.  That is a Culture Revolution!

So how do we get from the norm to exceptional or mundane to exciting?  A great place to start is by applying these 3 Keys.


1.  Decide – Everything starts with a decision.  A decision that can lead to amazing changes in a person’s life or a company’s culture. Does a medical doctor become so once he crosses the stage at his graduation?  Technically he does, but the truth is that he became a doctor the day he decided to be a doctor.  The same is true for any organization.  The day any company becomes exceptional is the day they decided to be exceptional.  Sure there is much work ahead but the initial decision is the spark that sets the rest of the place on fire!  Someone call the fire trucks!


Anyone can start a Culture Revolution!


2.  Determine – Determine your values.  Clearly defined values are a must or the unified culture can not be accomplished.  Herb Kelleher, former Southwest Airlines CEO, knew his and his company’s values.  One of their values was to have fun.  So when he received an e-mail from a customer complaining that the airline stewardess did not take the pre-flight information serious enough.  His response was, “We’ll miss you.”  When you take the time to recognize and truly determine your values, then not compromising them is easy.


3.  Design – Design a culture or work environment that fits your personality.  Every company has a vibe or energy, see my previous post, What is Your Energy, as you determine your company’s personality or energy.  I would recommend to have fun with it.  Allow it to be a reflection of the best you.  By doing so, this will create an environment that is unique and can not be replicated.  Forget the competition when you are a remarkable Design.


Keep in mind you don’t have to wait for the head of the company to decide the culture is going to change in the work place.  You can start your very own Culture Revolution right where you’re sitting.  It goes back to key #1 and that is to Decide.  You can create change for yourself and those around you simply by deciding to be better.  So what if the sales team is not motivated and lacks energy.  You can affect them indirectly.  Model for them what an exceptional culture looks like and you’ll be surprised by the results.


How can you start a Culture Revolution in your work today?


I’d love to hear from you, please comment below or e-mail me at ubergood@ubergoodexperience.com.


Now go and Serve Wisely,


Rafael Perez

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