Uber Good Experience with Rafael Perez

Uber Good Experience with Rafael Perez

022 - 5 Reasons Passion is Contagious

May 30, 2014

5 Reasons Passion is Contagious

Image courtesy of arztsamui / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


“Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.”

–Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

When it comes to customer service it is helpful to be on the right seat of the right bus.  That’s an analogy from “Good to Great†by Jim Collins.  What that essentially means is that people do their best when they are in the right position.  In customer service it definitely helps if this is what you enjoy doing.  But the more ideal person should have passion for the job.  When you have passion it becomes a game changer.  So today I want to discuss 5 Reasons Passion is Contagious and why you should have passion for your customer service work!  I have a day job, but I have a passion for customer service and that is why I’m here!

1.  Passion is Clarity – Passionate people tend to have clarity, a clarity that non-passionate people lack or don’t have.   When you become passionate in your work, it becomes what you focus on, what you dream about, talk about.  You begin to eat, sleep, and drink your passion.  We are all attracted or drawn to something.  Some of us are more drawn to certain things than others.  It can be politics, business, serving, or TV shows.   When you are passionate about something this then becomes your everything.  Your focus.  Your clarity.  When this is the case it is not difficult and doesn’t take much effort to care about your interest.  Passion takes all the work out of work and make it fun!  So, get on the right seat on the the right bus and things will be easier.  Are we clear on this? Good.

2.  Passion is Popular – Kent Julian, a speaking coach at Speak it Forward.com, teaches that you should end your speeches with, “As you can see, I am passionate about…† Then you fill in the rest for whatever your topic might be about.  So at the end of my speeches I say, “As you can see, I am passionate about customer serviceâ€.   The reason he advises to tell people what they are passionate about in their work, is that people want to deal with and are attracted to passionate people.  Passion literally makes you popular.  Stop and think about it for a moment.  How much fun is it to hang out with someone who really doesn’t get excited about much?  Well, it just isn’t.  People are drawn to people who are excited about what they do for a living.  As a customer service person, when new customers eneter your area, they will be drawn to you like flies at a cookout if you have passion.  They will pick up on your energy, joy, and popularity!  You’ll finally get the recognition you deserve, you popular kid you!

3.  Passion is Exciting – My wife and I have a few shows that we enjoy together.  With 3 little kids it is our way to have an easy date, be together, and get a little entertainment while we are at it.  We enjoy watching America’s Got Talent or AGT as they refer to it.  We love to watch the show because we are looking for high quality acts.  Now the acts that do the best seem to have one common denominator.  What is that common denominator?  Passion!  They are passionate about what they do, their performance, their craft, dance, art, music, etc…..  Why else would they endure the long waits, tiring hours, and stress of the experience?  This passion, when well-rehearsed and delivered to an audience, spills out and leads to excitement.  Excitement that is contagious.  That’s what we are looking for.  People that have passion are exciting and fun to watch.  If you are passionate about what you do, you’ll be exciting to watch too!  Are you passionate about your customers?  Meeting a customer’s needs?  Well, if you are, then dealing with them will be exciting for you as well as the people watching you.  All I have to say is exciting!


“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

–Nelson Mandela 

4.  Passion is Contagious – Do you have kids?  If you do, then you’ll understand what being contagious is all about.  When one child gets ill, it won’t be long before the others get it.  After they get it and have recovered full of life and energy then you get it.   Arghh!  But not all things that are contagious are bad.  Having passion can be contagious too!  Now that’s a good contagious.  People are naturally drawn to people who care, people who have enthusiasm for their work and life.  You can have a contagious effect on your company or co-workers by displaying passion.  Think about it.  What if you’re a manager at a call center?  You oversee 20 people.  You bring your passion to your job and work every day.  The 20 employees you serve will catch it!  You’ll spread the passion bug!  They will be drawn to the contagious attitude you are displaying.  Now you have 21 people in your area, all excited about being there and working for the customers.  Secondarily, people in other sections will want to work with you and your employess.  You’ll begin to attract people that want what you are bringing to work everyday.  They’ll want what you have!  So be Contagious, I hear it’s catching!  Besides, you won’t have to go to your doctor for a cure.

 5.  Passion is Success – The truth is, very few people succeed in life without some sort of passion.  Passion is what pushes you through the down and difficult times.  It’s this passion that ultimately leads you to your success!  Passion is about you and what you love to do.  Hopefully if you’re in the customer service business your love is people and serving them.  We all can see through the frauds who don’t enjoy serving us or others.  When it’s just a paycheck to them, they are just going through the motions.  People pick up on that.   But when we deal with someone with passion, we know they care, are good at what they do, and we feel good about having been served.  Not only glad to be served but will long to be served again, and again.  In a business when you are dependent on tips or commission, this leads to return business and excellent word of mouth.  An endless supply of clients sounds like success to me!  So don’t hide your passion.  Unveil it for the world to see and what you will see is that it will lead to your Success!

My prayer and hope for you is that you discover your Passion.  Or if you’ve lost your passion, that you get it back!  For us in the customer service biz I want you to become passionate about service and serving others and to find that passion for the customer!  Even if you’ve lost it a little and find it difficult at times, serving people is wonderfully rewarding and well worth it.  Besides, I hear it can be Passionately Contagious!

So, there are 5 Reasons Passion is Contagious.  Are you passionate in your work?

I’d love to hear from you.  Leave a comment below or e-mail me at ubergood@ubergoodexperience.com.



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