Uber Good Experience with Rafael Perez

Uber Good Experience with Rafael Perez

021 - 5 Simple Ideas for Thinking Big in Customer Service

May 22, 2014

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5 Simple Ideas for Thinking Big in Customer Service


“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”

— Swami Vivekananda: Indian Hindu monk and chief disciple of the 19th-century saint Ramakrishna

It doesn’t matter how big or small your company is we can all benefit from “Thinking Bigâ€.  I believe every company can benefit from “Thinking Big†by considering these 5 Simple Ideas.

 1.  Think Big like the Pros.  Who are the Pros?  When I think of the top level companies that pride themselves on Customer Service and the Customer Experience my mind instantly jumps to Ritz Carolton, Chick-Fil-A, and Zappos.  These companies have made Thinking Big their way of operating!  Well yeah, they are big companies and they have the resources.  Does this mean that the little guy can’t deliver a similar experience?  Absolutely not, as a matter of fact I would venture to tell you that it is easier for a smaller company to provide exceptional service.  Easier because there are less cogs in the wheel.  Easier to oversee and police.  Think about it for a moment.  Culture is culture.  You either create it or you don’t.  If you’re Thinking Big and amazing customer interaction is your goal then overseeing 3 people would be significantly easier than overseeing 3000.  Less cogs in the wheel. 

2.  Think Big Picture.  Think big picture means to start with the end in mind first.  Start with what you believe would be the most ideal scenario for your particular situation or business.  Now as an employee, you too can have a Think Big Picture mentality.  Just because your whole company may not be on board should not prevent you from being and performing your best.  It’s a heart issue as I stated in a previous post.   It’s your heart you’d be damaging if you decided to provide a lower experience.  So back to starting with the most ideal scenario or situation in mind.  Place that image in your mind.  Hold it there, consider it, mull it over, be sure it’s clear and then work your way backwards.  Determine, on paper, what it will take to get you, your job, or your company to that image.  What would the steps involved be required?  The further you break it down, the more achievable it will feel.  If the steps are too vague or too big, they will seem like too much work to get from step 1 to step 2 and you’ll be less likely to achieve your “Big Pictureâ€.

3.  Think Big and Act like it.  I like this one a lot.  I’ve always been a big fan of dressing for success.  By dressing for success you are acting the part before becoming the part.  You are placing your subconscious mind in motion, preparing for the arrival.  So when it comes to Think Big and Acting like it you should Act like you’re already big.  Don’t be afraid to behave as a success before you’ve gotten there.  You’re just training your behavior and mind to accept what will be the inevitable, and that is your success.  Will there be set backs?  Of course.  But if you are already acting the part, the setbacks will be easier to overcome.  So, who do you respect more- someone who talks the talk or walks the walk?  That’ right, someone who walks the walk.  That’s all you’re doing is walking the walk.  A perfect example of this is everyone has had a first day on the job, or a first customer.  When dealing with customers on your own you don’t tell them that they are the first, no, you act like they are your 100th, 1000th, or 10,000th!  Instead of letting them know you don’t know, you act like you know and the rest takes care of itself.

“Every company can benefit from 5 Simple Ideas for Thinking Big in Customer Service”

4.  Think Big for Success.  Success can mean a multitude of different things to many different people.  But one thing is for sure.  The amount of success you or your business achieve is directly proportional to your level of thinking.  First of all success is defined by the individual.  Not everyone sees having a 100 million gross revenue business as success.  Sometimes it can be as simple as taking a nice vacation, like to Costa Rica or Bora Bora.  One of the things Zig Ziglar always said that has stuck with me for many years is “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are usually right.  Thinking Big for Success is exactly as it sounds.  If you want your Customer Service game to be top level, then you have to perceive it as top level and pursue it.  Do you want your business or your position in your business to blow the doors off your nearest competitor?  Then it first starts with thinking, believing, then achieving that possibility.  One thing is clear, if you don’t first Think Big, then small is probably all you’ll get.

5.  Think Big to be Rewarded.  What do you want your reward to be for all your hard work and efforts?  Do you want it to be small, low wages, low profits, or bigger, better wages, better profits?  I’d like to hope that you would want better profits and wages for all.  To achieve these things you’re thinking needs to be “Bigâ€.  Remember, it was Napoleon Hill in his book “Think and Grow Rich†that said, “The mind can only achieve what the mind can conceive.”  If you want big rewards in your business, in your life, and in your job, then Thinking Big is the place to start.  I want to point out that sometimes thinking big can be misinterpreted by thinking it only means money.  That’s just not the case.  Rewards come in all shapes and sizes.  You decide what your rewards are and once you achieve them, no matter what they might be, they will feel like a million dollars to you!  Best of Luck!

I hope you have found my 5 Simple Ideas for Thinking Big in Customer Service useful.  Do you have any simple ideas for Thinking Big?  I’d love to hear from you!


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