

Meditative Living with Swami Shivananda Giri

February 13, 2015

Swami continues with Verse 86 from THE CHIDAKASHA GITA OF BHAGAWAN NITYANANDA OF GANESHPURI.  Here is the first verse to be discussed...

86. The repetition of Rama is true delight. It is the eternal Atma delight, eternal true delight, internal Atma delight, Kundalini grandeur delight. The lord of mind is Rama. Rama means Atman. That which governs the ten Indriyas (five Karmendriyas and five Jnyanendriyas) is Rama. Ravana means all the wicked qualities in us. Sita means Chitta. Lakshmana means attention (thought control). Krishna means introspection. This introspection is the eternal Atma delight.



9pm GMT/4pm Eastern/3pm Central/1pm Pacific
