Everything is Like Dating

Everything is Like Dating

Ep060: Writing Music

November 18, 2015

This is the Everything is Like Dating Podcast.

On this episode we discuss what music is best for writing and why we need it.



[2:11] How did this come up?

[3:09] "For me, a little bit of music helps." -Adan

[3:34] "Sometimes I'll have a playlist.." -Adan
[4:07] "Blue Noise."
[5:00] Critters Skittering

[6:00] Different music genres for different goals.
[6:09] "I have a specific song..." -Adan
[7:25] "I don't know if that would work for me." - Emily

[8:33] Techno/Trip Hop - No lyrics.

[9:00] Third Eye Blind on repeat.
[9:57] "I want to be available, but I also want to tune everything out."
Takeaway: Maybe it's not writer's block, maybe you just haven't found the right song.


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