Two Docs Talking About Stuff

Two Docs Talking About Stuff

TDR 021 - Organic Living with Preet Marwaha

December 30, 2014

Preet Marwaha is the CEO and Founder of Organic Lives, an organization dedicated to promoting and supporting organic, sustainable, fairly traded food.

He is a former instructor with the Institute of Holistic Nutrition, a personal health coach, and nutrition expert. Preet has also been involved globally on numerous projects. His new endeavour: Feeding Change is designed to educate parents and children about nutrition. The pilot program in New Westminister, BC helps provide students with a nutritious breakfast

"I believe that our future is dependent on making a paradigm shift about how we think about our food. When we trace where our food is grown, processed, shipped and packaged, we see how mainstream food systems contribute to every serious social issue we face today: poverty, hunger, obesity, diabetes, cancer, deforestation, water pollution, soil erosion. We truly can make a better world simply by making informed choices guided by love, compassion, integrity, justice, honesty and courage."

Reconnecting to food we can literally change our planet.

Email: preet[at] | Twitter | LinkdIn