Two Docs Talking About Stuff

Two Docs Talking About Stuff

TDR 020 - Flu Shots, Daily Aspirin and Backpedalling

December 09, 2014

In this episode we discuss medical backpedalling and the fallacy of the seasonal flu shot.

This week the CDC issued a report that stated this year's flu vaccine was not effective and was administered in error. This is unfortunate news for anyone who received the shot. After issuing its apology to the public, health officials recommended anti-viral drugs for those showing signs and symptoms of the flu.

Also in the news: Daily aspirin therapy is no longer recommended to prevent heart disease and may do more harm than good.

This weeks news stories show how quickly yesterday's drug science can become today's nonsense.

Links in today's episode:
Flu shot ineffective
Flu shot 2
Antivirals Ineffective
Daily Aspirin no longer recommended