Two Docs Talking About Stuff

Two Docs Talking About Stuff

TDR 004 - Ten Steps To Abundance

May 06, 2014

How to get yourself "unstuck" -- State of consciousness, prosperity are the results

1. Practice outflow, whatever u give out comes back. Celebrate all accomplishments and what I'm good at, acknowledge it and give it away.
Creates energy and container for success.

2. Integrate/clear the past, let it go. Take responsibility, make mental commitment to move forward.

3. Lead with life values, put them at the centre of your life

4. Visualize: see the result complete in your minds eye. Gives something to move towards. More clarity, the better. What u stand for, position is against something.

5. Intentions: intend something is so, language anchors what u manifest. Create powerful words that open up possibilities. Promise with self.

6. Declaration: universe has resources to help me accomplish, what, where, how I want. Establishing goals, makes roadmap and life enjoyable. Be in universe has a better plan. See self today as who U'll be in 10 yrs. what you've accomplished, eg: 50, write down what's already happened and move back 5 yrs, 3,1, 6 months, 1 month, week, day and see how today is helping u achieve 10 year goal.
Makes present more enjoyable.

7. Persistent

8. No attachments, surrender. Don't be perfectionist. Attachment = victim. Have a vision, not attachment. Never quit, that's resigning. Surrender is flow! Life's zone, pocket.

9. Sourcing: consciousness that it's all up to you. You are the source of it all. Responsibility for everything. Good and bad! Not blame self for what happened just be resp.

10. Surround self with team. Can vibe off each other. Grow together, remove toxic people from life. Say see ya, but if u become more positive I'll welcome u back into my life. Cause if u don't, u enable them. Opens opportunity for break thru.

You already are Abundant!

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