Double Loser Podcast

Double Loser Podcast

A Best Friend Is So Different than a Friend

July 09, 2021

This week, your hosts,  Morg and Jo, discuss #TheHills season 2 episodes 7 and 8, and it has it all- a diamond, an Irish goodbye, a betrayal, a bunch of bad dessert jokes, and a burnt out Whitney. Heidi and Lauren gift their friend, Jen, diamonds (an ugly martini glass charm, but still, DIAMONDS!!!) for her birthday and Morg and Jo wonder why they have never splurged so big for each other's birthday (CZ will have to do!). The newly dripping in diamonds Jen then proceeds to go behind Lauren's back and hook up with Brody leading Jo and Morg to discuss the rules and grey areas of girl code. The wedge between Heidi and Lauren grows bigger as Heidi continues to choose Spencer.