Double Loser Podcast

Double Loser Podcast

It's the Right Thing to Do

May 21, 2021

What a week for the Double Loser Podcast. We are currently watching dated reality tv shows and this week your hosts Jo and Morg take you through episodes 4 & 5 of season 1 of The Hills.
Morg and Jo found the details of Lauren and Jason’s break up vague as we tried to piece together what happened between them in Laguna (spoiler: he cheated). Jo reveal her Favorite-least-favorite person on the show so far. The Double Losers discuss how Heidi and Audrina have their most important conversations in the hot tub at their apartment complex and term it their “conference room”. Audrina goes on another terrible date, can you believe it? But it was the right thing to do. Then Jason has really not made a good first impression and he doubles down on that.
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