Tuesday Snacks

Tuesday Snacks

Special Edition - Near Death, Out Of Body & Spiritual Experiences.

March 07, 2017

Comedian Sara Weinshenk & Co Host Lorry Amieva Plasterer review tapes from Lorry's recent journalistic endeavor of discussing: out of body, near death, spiritual and paranormal experiences with people from various backgrounds. Lorry sits down with five people with different experiences and occupations to discuss their diverse metaphysical experiences. Sara and Lorry are joined by Tuesday Snacks sound engineer, Rick Amieva and the three begin to dissect all of the experiences to see if they can find a commonality between any and each of them. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this episode via story and time.

Interviews from this episode include:
1. Victoria (Vicky) Thompson - Social Worker (Huntington IN)
2. Josh Hensley (aka Joshua Vance) Factory Worker (Huntington IN)
3. Brent Troyer (evangelist from Texas)
4. Brian Hamilton - financial analyst (Chicago)
5. Jessica Miller - Wood Merkaba, Energy Worker, Crystal Healer - Bloomington, IN

Audio/Sound Design: Rick Amieva @alterfaceprod