Podcast | Table Talk With Mike and Nancy

Podcast | Table Talk With Mike and Nancy

Latest Episodes

TTWMN 209: Avoiding The “It’ll Do” Virus
August 18, 2018

It all started when we were kids: our mom or dad told us to “clean our room”, and we just picked everything up and shoved it under the bed or in the closet. Maybe it’s human nature to want to do just enough to get by,

TTWMN 208: Grace Under Fire (Part 2)
August 11, 2018

Last week, Mike and Nancy began a conversation about how we, as Christians, should react to adversity, whether by our own doing or by what others do to us, as innocent bystanders. So today we’re continuing that discussion,

TTWMN 207: Grace Under Fire (Part 1)
July 28, 2018

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Jesus promised us that our life as His disciple would be easy, one that never presented problems? Unfortunately, He makes no such promises. In fact we are taught that we will face problems in this life.

TTWMN 206: What I Meant To Say
July 21, 2018

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and they react to something you said in a way that surprised you? Maybe they were offended by something you said when you meant no offense at all. Or maybe they arrived at a conclusion based on somethi...

TTWMN 205: Integrity
July 14, 2018

There is something we can have that is more priceless than any amount of money in our bank account or 401K. It’s more important than having a great job, social standing or powerful connections. You could say it’s even more important than what you’ll e...

TTWMN 204: Mercy Me
June 30, 2018

Have you ever been tempted to lash out at a driver who is driving too slow, too fast, recklessly, irrationally or inconsistently (one of my favorites: going slow, then speeding up when you try to pass—or the opposite,

TTWMN 203: Cultivating Character
June 23, 2018

One thing seems obvious these days: there seems to be an amazing lack of character at work in folks today. Why is that? Is it not being taught (pretty likely)? Or is it that the splintering of our country, once called “the Melting Pot”,

TTWMN 202: Abuse in the Church
June 02, 2018

A couple weeks ago we did a topic that struck a nerve with many of you, when we talked about Narcissism in the Church. Apparently lots of us have had experience with narcissists, and sadly, too many of us have experienced some form of abuse in our pas...

TTWMN 201: Narcissism in the Church
May 19, 2018

Maybe you’ve come across people in your life or in your friend’s life that sure look amazingly good, maybe are in positions of power, perhaps even in the church… and yet something in you feels that “something ain’t right”.

TTWMN 200: Problem of Pain
May 12, 2018

We don’t like pain. Nobody does. We go to great lengths to avoid it for ourselves, and if we can’t avoid it, we try to ignore it. And if we can’t ignore it, we try to numb it with alcohol, drugs, food or some other indulgence of the flesh to take our...