Podcast | Table Talk With Mike and Nancy

Podcast | Table Talk With Mike and Nancy

TTWMN 236: Peer Pressure

July 20, 2019

I was having lunch with someone the other day, and she noted how easy it is to slip little by little into the world—maybe from busyness, too tired at the end of the day or in too much of a rush to get to work in the morning—to take the time to read the bible, pray, spend even a little time with the Lord. 


As any happily married person will tell you, the best relationships don’t just happen—they take time, and work…a lot of work. And on top of that, there are a lot of things going on in the World today trying to convince us that time is wrongly spent. The enemy will try any way he can to get us to turn from Christ. 

Pressure will come from our family, our workplace, even from within our church. They will call us hateful because of our adherence to the Word of God, divisive or unsubmissive because we won’t blindly follow our leadership as they implement the latest awesome new way to be “Christian”.

They will lie about us, paint a horrible picture of us that we won’t be allowed to challenge.  As the heat is turned up, the love of many will grow cold as they make spouse, child, workplace or church, more important than Christ himself, feeling they’re tired of arguing, it’s too embarrassing, or it “just isn’t worth it.”