Podcast | Table Talk With Mike and Nancy

Podcast | Table Talk With Mike and Nancy

TTWMN 232: Rebuilding Babel

April 27, 2019

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all get along? If there were no more fights between factions over who was more right, no more class struggles between the “haves” and the “have nots”, no more discrimination or judgmentalism on how & where we chose to live or what we chose to believe, no more poverty or hunger as everyone shared what they had with everyone else, and everyone had free education, a living wage and health care? Sounds heavenly, right? Our children are taught from pre-K thru college and graduate school that these things are all rights that every human is entitled to. While some or maybe all of them sound great, every society on this earth that has tried to implement all these things has failed, or is in the process of failing. And we’re not talking just “oh well, that didn’t work”, we’re talking total bankruptcy, massive inflation so people could no longer afford a loaf of bread, entire cultures and ways of life taken away, and millions imprisoned or killed for not keeping in lockstep with the mandated “group think” necessary to maintain such a society. We crave Unity with every fiber of our being, desiring it so much that we fail to ask, “unity with whom, over what?” The whole world is offering all such unity, all the goodies, where all can live in “utopia”—only problem is, they are explicit in this: The God of the Bible can have no place in it. So today’s show is about Globalism, and why Christians should fight it—we’re calling this episode “Rebuilding Babel”.