Truth UnCONPromeyezed Media Network

Truth UnCONPromeyezed Media Network

The Real Piligrams The True Story of Immigrants Coming to America PT14

February 06, 2020

The Real Piligrams The True Story of Immigrants Coming to America PT14

Join us this Thursday at 7:00pm Eastern time. This week we continue our series The Real Pilgrams, The True Story of Immigrants Coming to America PT14. The official story of the Mayflower and Immigrants coming from Europe is far from being truthful. The real events of early immigrants coming to America are gritty, raw and jaw dropping. So far we learned that the first colonies in the East failed because of illness of the white indentured servants. We also learned that the indentured servants worked side by side in the Caribbean Islands with African Slaves, FREED BLACKS and Indians. The Indentured Servants out numbered both groups. Last week we reviewed the Original Charter of Georgia and how slavery was forbidden. We also learned that the Georgia Charter was strickly set up as a business contract.

This week we will review  Andrew Jackson

This is one you DO NOT want to miss....


2/6/2020 at 7:00:00 PM 180 minutes


Call In: 929-477-3858