

Latest Episodes

TLP 318: Understand Your Children’s Beliefs
December 06, 2019

There is nothing more important to your parenting than understanding what your children believe a...

TLP 317: New Changes and New Opportunities
December 03, 2019

Join AMBrewster to learn more about the changes at TLP and the amazing opportunities for you and ...

TLP 316: Understand Your Children’s Desires
November 26, 2019

Why do my kids want what they want? Great question! Join AMBrewster as he walks Christian parents...

TLP 315: Understand Your Children’s Feelings
November 22, 2019

Have you figured out your children’s emotions yet? Join AMBrewster as he helps Christian pa...

TLP 314: Understand Your Children’s Actions and Words
November 19, 2019

Why do your children do what they do? Join AMBrewster as he helps Christian parents develop a bib...

TLP 313: The Most Important Part of Parenting
November 15, 2019

If there were only one biblical Truth that could revolutionize the way we approach parenting, thi...

TLP 312: Crazy Awesome Announcement!
November 12, 2019

Every now and then we share super exciting news . . . well today is one of those days. Listen in ...

TLP 311: The Hidden Sin in Our Homes, Part 3 | the truth
November 08, 2019

How can we teach our children the truths about complaining in such a way that they actually chang...

TLP 310: The Hidden Sin in Our Homes, Part 2 | the root
November 05, 2019

What makes complaining a sin? Join AMBrewster as he searches the Scriptures to help Christian par...

TLP 309: The Hidden Sin in Our Homes, Part 1 | the fruit
November 01, 2019

How could something so obvious fall under our radars? Join AMBrewster as he helps Christian paren...
