

Latest Episodes

TLP 328: The Choice All Parents Have to Make, Part 2
January 10, 2020

You’re going to make this choice, but what are you going to choose. Join AMBrewster as he d...

TLP 327: The Choice All Parents Have to Make, Part 1
January 07, 2020

It’s a choice we all have to make. Join AMBrewster as helps Christian parents understand th...

TLP 326: The New Truth.Love.Parent.
January 03, 2020

Learn about the exciting changes coming to TLP in 2020! Check out 5 Ways to Support TLP. List...

TLP 325: How to Plan Your Family’s New Year
December 31, 2019

Does your family have a plan for the new decade? Join AMBrewster as he lays out some intentional,...

TLP 324: Three Destructive Worldviews in Every Home
December 27, 2019

Within every home are three enemies that are hellbent on destroying our families. Join AMBrewster...

TLP 323: The Christmas Story
December 24, 2019

Gather the family to hear AMBrewster read the Christmas Story!   Check out 5 Ways to Suppo...

TLP 322: Is Your Child a Christian?
December 20, 2019

How many people celebrate Christmas who don’t even follow Christ? God forbid our family mem...

TLP 321: Your Parenting Really Is All about You
December 17, 2019

Many Christian parents probably think their parenting should be all about God. And that’s c...

TLP 320: Parent Your Children for Change
December 13, 2019

What’s the point of parenting if we can’t be used by God to change our kids? Join AMB...

TLP 319: The Most Important Things Your Children Should Believe
December 10, 2019

If belief is the most important part of what makes your children who they are, then how does a pa...
