

The News Business is “A Mess” says Info Guru Merrill Brown

March 31, 2017

Merrill Brown is a veteran media executive and journalist. In addition to writing for The Washington Post, he launched and was the website’s founding Editor-in-Chief. He’s both a media opinion leader and educator. He’s this week’s guest host.
1. Fake News.
What is it, why does it matter, who’s to blame, what can be done
2. What about Anonymity:
– Does anonymity drive fake news?
– Facebook, Google, Twitter, Reddit – friend or foe?
3. State of the Journalism Business
-Is Trump fueling an economic resurgence?
-Is advertising going to keep journalism afloat
-what about subscription / patronage /
-what about philanthropy
5. Are we living in a Post-Truth era.
– Time Magazine “is truth dead”