True Crime Time

True Crime Time

Episode 19; O Canada, You Cast Your Hookers at Swine

February 23, 2014

This week our true crime podcast stays in Canada, but we travel to the west coast. The first half is our usual mis-mash of true crime news and true crime stories. Including: Handcuffed swimming:


Should have taken a lesson from this guy.

Nobody believe the Craigslist killer Satanic cult story.


Here is a photo of something that totally, really happened, at least 22 times.

Of course our favorite attention whores at The Church of Satan made hay with the story getting many media interviews denying involvement.

The Church of Satan wants you to know that Miranda Barbour does not have an official $200 membership card and therefore cannot be involved in an official Satanic cult.

This woman has the nerve to interrupt a new cast to confess to a murder.


Hi there, I totally did it. Also note shirt: She’s a fan of Alan Jackson, whatever that is.

Woman arrested for not returning VHS tape. Ironically everyone makes fun of this movie (including us) but it grossed double what it cost to make it, and that’s before the income from VHS/DVD, so I guess the jokes on us. It easily made over $40 million.


Jail time is doubled if she failed to rewind the tape.

Of course there is the eight year old who couldn’t even be trusted to drive the damn car a couple of blocks.


I promise Dad I can do it this time.

Of course we have another story of a sexy English dog and the man who loved her too much.


Dem English bitches be sexy, yo!

While in America we have to make due with sexy footwear.


How did I lose my last job? Well it’s kind of a funny story…….

In the second half of the show we are again a serial killer podcast as we tell the story of Robert Pickton. Pickton preyed on the women of Vancouver’s Downtown East Side.


The true number is believed to be at least sixty, but like many serial killer cases the true number may never be known.


A recent article in a Toronto paper claims $6,000 per year have been spent per resident of this neighborhood, by the government, over the last ten years. It seems to be an endless problem, spending money to help street people may help, but it also attracts more street people seeking services.

Day in the life of typical Pickton victim:

Step One: Obtain Cash.

Step Two: Spend Cash.


Step 3: Take nap/on the nod.

Keeping up with current events is always important, even on Vancouver’s Downtown East Side:


“But it says here the economy is improving.”

Pickton in his heyday:


A portrait of the happy pig farmer as a young man.

And a more recent photo:


No privacy in jail.

As always The People For the Ethical Treatment of Animals had a very tasteful ad campaign linked to the killings.


Perspective, what’s that?