True Crime Time

True Crime Time

Episode 17: Happy Valentines Day, The Couple That Slays Together….Part One

February 09, 2014

This week our true crime podcast is celeberating Valentines Day by covering couples that would, and did, kill for each other. This week it is The Sunset Strip Killers, Doug Clark and Carol Bundy. Of course the first half is our usual roundup of true crime stories in the news, including…..

A woman who refuses to read this sign, despite how cute Yogi looks:


A man who smokes weed in the maternity ward while his girlfriend is giving birth, he obviously did not consider what this could lead to:


Nancy Grace is keeping it classy, don’t confuse these with Tater Tots!


And finally, the guy we couldn’t adequately describe using audio only. But how can you ask a guy that looks like this not to masturbate:

In the second half our thoughts turn to love as we discuss the first of our valentine’s, sweetheart, killer couples, Doug Clark and Carol Bundy. AKA The Sunset Strip Killers. Once again we are a serial killer podcast in the second half.


His picture screams douche, doesn’t it? Meanwhile I don’t think she’s really as unattractive as she thought she was.


Carol’s second husband not only wrote a well regarded Sci-Fi fanzine, he published over 100 novels of erotica, both under his real name and the nom de plume, Peggy Swenson.

I don’t know exactly how many Australian Vietnam vets were in Southern California in the late seventies, but after leaving the writer, husband number two, she managed to meet one of them.


Veronica Compton, former girlfriend of Hillside Strangler Kenneth Bianchi makes a cameo appearance in all this, but disappoints all by taking the fifth.


Not sure why they call it “Death Row”, 33 years later Doug is still looking fit as a fiddle.