True Crime Review

True Crime Review

Ep. 5: Emergency Audio – Kidnapped Serial Killer Shawn Grate

September 21, 2016

This Emergency Audio episode includes the audio from the 911 call made by an unnamed female kidnapping victim of Shawn Grate, who has since [been tied to as many as five homicides][11]. I drastically reduced the volume of the ear-shattering “beeeeeeps” authorities inserted to censor personal information and compressed the audio to remove clipping.
The transcript is included below.
Dispatcher: 911, What is the address to your emergency?
**Victim: (Inaudible)**
D: What is it?
**V: (Inaudible) Fourth Street laundry mat**
D: What’s your name? How do you spell your last name? Who abducted you?
**V: Shawn (Inaudible)**
D: You said John Green?
**V: Shawn Grates**
D: Where’s he at now?
**V: Asleep**
D: Where’s he sleeping at?
**V: In the bedroom**
D: In what bedroom?
**V: There’s two houses right by the laundry mat and it’s in one of those houses**
D: But you’re at the laundry mat?
**V: No, I’m in the bedroom with him**
D: What color is the house? If I’m looking at the laundry mat, which way is it?
**V: If you’re looking at the laundry mat it’s the one of the left of the two**
D: You don’t know what color the house is?
**V: No. I’m sorry.**
D: Does he have a car?
**V: (Inaudible)**
D: So you think it’s a yellow house?
**V: I think so**
D: It’s an apartment?
**V: No it’s a house**
D: Does he own the house?
**V: No he broke in**
D: Does anybody actually live there?
**V: No it’s been abandoned**
D: And his name is Shawn Grate?
**V: Yes**
D: Does he have a weapon?
**V: He’s got a Taser**
D: Where do you live? What does he look like? Is he a white man or black man? Is he 6’ or is he shorter than that? Do you know how much he weighs?
**V: Maybe 6’ probably 175**
D: Are you injured?
**V: A little**
D: What color is his hair?
**V: Brown**
D: Do you know what color his eyes are?
**V: No**
D: What is he wearing?
**V: Nothing right now**
D: OK stay on the phone with me. Stay on the line with me, OK? Is he still sleeping?
**V: Yes**
D: where did he take you from?
**V: My apartment, I mean I was walking with him**
D: You were walking with him?
**V: Mhmmm**
D: Where were you walking to?
**V: I’ve known him for like a month and a half**
D: Is there any way you can get out of the building?
**V: I don’t know without waking him and I’m scared**
D: Is there a bathroom in the house?
**V: His bedroom is closed and he made it so it would make noise**
D: If you told him you had to go to the bathroom he would do something to you?
**V: Yeah. Because he had me tied up**
D: Are you tied up now?
**V: Yeah but I kind of freed myself**
D: Is he in the same room as you?
**V: Yes**
D: Is it his phone you have?
**V: Yes. Are they on the way?**
D: OK. We have officers we’re sending
**V: Please send them now**
D: OK if you’re worried you don’t have to talk you can set the phone down OK? Are you upstairs or downstairs
**V: We’re downstairs. There’s a side door on the right of the left house and that’s where we enter. There’s a kitchen and right off is the bedroom**
D: Do you need an ambulance? Are you bleeding?
**V: Not anymore**
D: What were you bleeding from? You don’t have to talk if you don’t need to, OK? Do you know where he lives?
**V: No. Oh (expletive). Oh (expletive), I just woke him up.**
D: OK set the phone down.
_(Long silence after what sounds like a third voice)_
D: Are you still there?
**V: How much longer**
D: Do you hear any officers outside? They’re in the area
**V: Do you t