Trucking Nation Podcast

Trucking Nation Podcast

11. Highway Heroes, NMTA, & Landstar

February 23, 2015

Hi friends! I'm back Trucking Nation, and I got a very special show for you this week. It's a little different because Mr. Jason Snow, the new guy, was out of the studio so I thought it would be a good idea to keep it simple and have a little chit-chat. I'm trying some new things to get more information about Trucking Associations and Companies out to you. To get your motivation back up for reaching your fitness goals, I found an amazing story on that is sure to inspire you. For more information about anything mentioned in the show, check out my blog -
Remember my dearest Trucking Nation, you get what you give in this world, so try to be kind and enjoy the ride. I will talk to y'all soon - Misty Noel.