Trucking Nation Podcast

Trucking Nation Podcast

7. Vaping, Emergencies, & Something For The Ladies

January 16, 2015

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How are you Trucking Nation? It has been a super cold week here in South Carolina, so I'm glad I have a warm studio to record in. I have an amazing show for you this week full of exciting stuff. I talk about smoking vs. vaping, what to do in three different types of emergency situations, then I close out with something special for all my Lady Truckers out there including: An article review on the new WIT Image Team, stuff for your travel bag, and the only three makeup items you need. Then, there are a few deadline reminders. Seriously what is a Trucking Nation podcast without some deadline reminders? If you want more information on anything I discuss this week, check out my blog, it's all there -
Remember you get what you give in this world, so try to be kind and enjoy the ride. I will talk to you next week - Misty Noel.