Trolling With Logic

Trolling With Logic

#054 - The Hormone Myth with Robyn Stein DeLuca

November 03, 2017

The Hormone Myth –
How many times have you heard a woman be dismissed as “hormonal”, or her rationality be questioned, because of assumed endocrine imbalance? Chances are you’ve heard the phrases “on the rag” or “PMSing” used to put someone down, or been witness to jokes about that “time of the month” where “women get moody” etc.
In this episode, our special guest Robyn Stein DeLuca, author of The Hormone Myth: How Junk Science, Gender Politics, and Lies About PMS Keep Women Down, joins Natalie and Jenna to discuss whether hormone fluctuations really play such a huge role in women’s behaviour. We talk post-natal depression, the menstrual cycle, social conditioning and behavioural assumptions, gender bias & perceptions and how much hormones really play a role in our cognitive variance.
Robyn Stein DeLuca on Twitter: HTTPS://’s Website: Hormone Myth book: Good News About PMS – TEDx Talk: