Paul Tripp: Sermon Podcast

Paul Tripp: Sermon Podcast

Latest Episodes

[MARK] 27. Powerful Prayer
May 08, 2017

Why are there so many stories of Jesus casting out demons from possessed people during his earthly ministry? In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains how these narratives serve as a warning to us about the destructive and enslaving power of evil.

[MARK] 26. The Pleasing Prophet Son
May 02, 2017

What was the historical and prophetic purpose of The Transfiguration? And does it hold any application for us today? In this sermon, Paul Tripp explains why Jesus was transfigured, and how the glory of Christ in that moment should shape the way we live.

[EASTER] 2017 Part Three - The Gospel According to Nebuchadnezzar
April 26, 2017

What does the story of King Nebuchadnezzar have to do with the Resurrection of Jesus Christ? According to Paul Tripp, this story is the quintessential Easter story. In this sermon, he teaches on four themes that are the key to understanding the practical

[EASTER] 2017 Part Two - But By The Grace Of God
April 22, 2017

Those six words - “but by the grace of God” - may be the most important words ever spoken or written. Without them, there is no hope for us. In this sermon, Paul Tripp examines how the grace of God radically transformed Saul to Paul, and how the resur

[EASTER] 2017 Part One - Resurrection Amnesia and Everyday Life
April 20, 2017

The theology of the Bible is never meant to be impersonal, abstract, or academic; it's meant to be life-giving and life-changing. No Christian theology is more important than the resurrection, and in this sermon, Paul Tripp applies the practical truths of

[MARK] 25. His Cross, Your Cross
March 14, 2017

When Jesus foretells his death and resurrection, he speaks some of the most famous words of his earthly ministry. In this sermon, Paul Tripp examines why Jesus calls Peter Satan, what it means to take up our cross, and asks does it profit a man to gain th

[MARK] 24. The Watershed Confession
February 28, 2017

"You are the Christ." This four-word confession from Peter of who Jesus is divides the gospel of Mark into two sections, and Paul Tripp applies how this watershed confession changes our daily living.

[MARK] 23. Deaf and Blind
February 27, 2017

One of the most devastating effects on sin is spiritual blindness. Not only are we blind, but we're blind to our blindness. In this sermon, Paul Tripp talks about the difference of being willfully blind and blindly willful.

[MARK] 22. Don't Tell It On The Mountain
February 22, 2017

Why do some Christians seem to have strong faith, while others have weaker faith? In this sermon, Paul Tripp examines three ingredients to biblical faith, but warns that we have still have confessional theology and disobedience living in the same heart.

[MARK] 21. The Heart of the Matter
February 10, 2017

Legalism, moralism, or externalism - whatever you want to call the mindset ruling the Pharisees - is not unique to the Pharisees. In this sermon, Paul Tripp teaches from Mark 7, the most theologically heavy chapter in the gospel of Mark, and examines the