Triangle Well Talk

Triangle Well Talk

WT 003: Jonathan Sheline, MD: Clinical Medicine in Pursuit of Community Health

September 05, 2015

Jonathan Sheline, MD, practices family medicine at the Integrative Medicine clinic in Durham, NC.

Guided by a lifelong commitment to public health, a graduate degree in Epidemiology from Harvard, and formative experiences in the power of medicine to foster community wellbeing in Niger in West Africa, Sheline is constantly evolving his practice to lead his patients to wellness, rather than simply management of chronic disease.

Noting that doctors receive very poor education on the subject of nutrition in medical school, Sheline studied the literature for himself and was shocked at the weight and strength of the evidence linking a diet high in processed foods and animal products to many of our most common diseases.

More and more, Sheline is incorporating dietary excellence - specifically a whole foods, plant-based diet - into his recommendations and treatment protocols.

In our interview, we discuss his time in Africa, how that inspired him to practice medicine in a particular way, and how his practice has changed and grown as Sheline has remained open to new ways of thinking.

You can find him at, and telephonically at 919-403-8600.