

Trekosophy s03e01: Stairway to Sto-vo-kor

February 16, 2014

Well, the alternative title was “Highway to Gre’thor”.  Thank goodness good taste prevailed.  And, as the title(s) suggest, we discuss the Klingon afterlife.  More specifically, we focus on Lt. Torres’ trip to the Barge of the Dead in the Star Trek: Voyager episode of the same name.  Are Klingon’s beliefs in honor and the loss thereof fair or unfair?  Was the entire experience just all in her head?  And how does it all compare to our modern-day beliefs in the afterlife?

UPDATE:  Seems we had some Voles chewing on the wires, so the wrong audio file was linked here.  But we put Chief O’Brien on the case, so we’ve got it all straightened out now.  I just hope there aren’t any more nests of the buggers around.  Anyway, sorry for the inconvenience.