Treknologic: A Star Trek Podcast

Treknologic: A Star Trek Podcast

Latest Episodes

TNL185 Star Trek DS9 Dramatis Personae
April 01, 2016

Odo has a splitting headache - Star Trek DS9: Dramatis Personae Season 1, Episode 18 Lower Decks TNL Rating: 1 Dreadful Running Time 2:22 Crew of the Relativity Lt Matthias Jr Engineer Colin Jr Science Officer Renee Jr Helmsman Steve -

TNL184 Star Trek TNG Lower Decks
March 16, 2016

We love good cinematography, and this episode had some great shots! We forgot to discuss that during the review. - Star Trek TNG: Lower Decks Season 7, Episode 15 TNL Rating: 8 Dazzling Running Time 1:35 Crew of the Relativity -

TNL183 Star Trek DS9 The Sound of Her Voice
February 29, 2016

Spoiler: There's a funeral in this episode. - Star Trek DS9: The Sound of Her Voice Season 6, Episode 25 TNL Rating: 8 Dazzling Running Time 1:13 Crew of the Relativity Captain Chris Sixx, a Trill Science Officer Keri, possibly a Q

TNL Listening Post
February 23, 2016

Join Captain Chris, Keri, Mike, and Ben as they listen and discuss listener feedback. The crew welcomes special lower decks readers Matthias and M'Ress. Thanks for helping y'all! Do you have feedback? Email us at -

TNL182 Star Trek TAS The Counter-Clock Incident
February 01, 2016

This is an artist's rendering of the Milky Way galaxy. Well, the Milky Way in reverse. Yes, seriously. These guys had no idea what our galaxy looks like. Even as a child WHEN THIS EPISODE FIRST AIRED, I could tell that it was a bad representation.

TNL181 Star Trek VOY Favorite Son
November 13, 2015

The Teresian's binding ceremony. Taymon will be lead away to be murdered by having the nucleus of all his cells removed. - Star Trek VOY: Favorite Son Season 3, Episode 20 TNL Rating: 2 Tedious Running Time 2:20 - At the end,

TNL Listening Post
November 04, 2015

Join Captain Chris, Keri, Mike, and Ben as they read, listen, and discuss listener feedback. - Do you have feedback? Email us at - Connect with the USS Relativity:

TNL180 Star Trek DS9 What You Leave Behind
October 26, 2015

Dukat. Emissary to the Pah Wraiths. - Star Trek DS9: What You Leave Behind Season 7, Episode 25 TNL Rating: 8 Dazzling TNL Arc Rating: 9 Inspirational Running Time 2:42 Crew of the Relativity Captain Chris Sixx, a Trill -

TNL178 Star Trek DS9 The Dogs of War
October 14, 2015

Garrak has to clean the basement, and he's ecstatic! Ahh, the joys of being in the resistance! - Star Trek DS9: The Dogs of War Season 7, Episode 24 TNL Rating: 7 Exceptional Running Time 1:36 Crew of the Relativity Captain Chris Sixx, a Trill

TNL179 Star Trek TNG A Matter of Time
September 30, 2015

The Enterprise siphons off all the toxins off the atmosphere, and shoots them into space. WTF? - Star Trek TNG: A Matter of Time Season 5, Episode 9 TNL Rating: 4 Tolerable Running Time 1:34 Crew of the Relativity Captain Chris Sixx, a Trill -