Travel Hacking Podcast

Travel Hacking Podcast

12: [Travel Karma Fridays] How I pay it forward (and what you should try too)

April 25, 2014

Welcome back to Travel Karma Fridays, where we have a chat about all things related to travel but with a more giving it back spin.

Tune in to this episode as I share a brief story of a recent family adversity that’s compelled me to never take opportunities for granted.

Shout Outs

To my lovely cousin Trami Pham, who is the graphic designer behind all of the branding elements of the Travel Hacking Podcast.

She can be reached at if you’re interested in working with her.

Paying it forward

Make sure to at least once in your life to travel with your parents. It may prove to be more rewarding than you’d ever bargain for.

On Wednesday night, my dad’s house had been in a terrible fire that burned most of the house down. He somehow survived the ordeal without getting hurt, except for a few minor bruises and eye discomfort (I took him to see a doctor today so he’s doing better).

Fortunately, he’s in great spirits and I’m doing whatever I can to be there for him as we work through our way to recovery.

One of the first things I started to think about after this happened was how I was literally 5 minutes away from losing my dad and how he had recently asked about the possibility of visiting Vietnam again.

So, of course, in my typical travel hacking style, I just decided on the spot that we’re going to go very soon.

In the mean time, I hope you enjoyed this episode even though it’s a bit more personal than having actionable tips.

I just truly believe that giving back to your parents in a way that captures their imaginations, desires and dreams (which for my dad was to visit Vietnam again for a variety of reasons, including just simply missing his hometown from which he had to escape from) is a really fantastic way to build an even stronger bond with your parents.

Tune in on Monday as we resume our regular programing with more actionable tips and takeaways.

Until then, have a wonderful weekend.

If you have any experiences with traveling with your closest family and friends, I’d love to hear it.

Contact me at
