

Latest Episodes

Trace Elements: The Reset
March 10, 2016

What if you were no longer afraid of... anything.

The Invention of the Home Pregnancy Test
February 29, 2016

Science + graphic design. The invention of the home pregnancy test.

Rodney Learns to Fly
February 12, 2016

“Biophilia” refers to the instinctive affection humans have for nature. This story is about one such connection.

Imagine All the People
January 26, 2016

Casey is just four, but he already has an imaginary grandson.

Disease Detectives On the Case
January 07, 2016

What's it take to be a CDC Disease Detective? Join two rookies as they find out.

Orbital Path: Must Be Aliens
December 17, 2015

Why do aliens get all the credit for weird stuff in space?

Bluegrass…for Wolves?
December 06, 2015

What kind of music do animals like?

All By Myself…Maybe
November 20, 2015

“52 Hz” is the name given to a mysterious whale that vocalizes at a different frequency than other whales. Some refer to him as “The World’s Loneliest Whale,” but other scientists aren’t convinced that its unique call has left the whale isolated at all...

Nautilus special: “To Save California, Read Dune”
November 05, 2015

The sci-fi epic "Dune" takes place on a desert planet. Can "Dune" offer lessons for the drought-stricken California of 2015?

The Indiana Jones of Math
October 05, 2015

Join us for a math adventure. Just bring your thickest jacket.